Friday, June 23, 2006

Night and day,

black and white, down and up. Recent events made me think about how life takes us through this roller coaster ride over and over again. While we struggle to push ourselves to the bright side, we are pulled back into the shadows. The universe shows us that it prefers balance: electrons orbit their proton core, moon orbits earth, earth orbits sun and so on. Gallaxies collapse, just to be reborn over and over again.
Could this be our fate, to be caught in endless circles that lead us to the beginning, no matter which road we take? That would mean, however you attampt to escape the twilight, you’ll bounce back, ricochet into the dark, just to end up where you started from. Could it be that all of us are convicts of dualism?

Well, I don’t think so. Atoms can be fissioned, black holes can trouble gravity systems and convicts get parole. These are all exceptions, but who wants to go with the flow anyway?
Break out and become a convict on the run!

Thursday, June 15, 2006


...are postcards from the subconscious; inner self to outer self, right brain trying to cross that bridge to the left. All too often they come back unread: "return to sender, address unknown" That's a shame, because there's a whole different world out there - or in here, depending on your point of view. Indeed, for all we know this very moment could be nothing more than vapors of our own imagination. As Bertrand Russell mused, "I do not believe that I am now dreaming, but I cannot prove that I am not." Point is, there might be more to those nocturnal journeys than has previously been considered or accepted.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

If that isn't an impressive CV!!!!

Click on the image to enlarge it
