Friday, July 20, 2007

Another month gone by...

...and France still doesn't make it to my top-5-countries-to-live. Ah well, time will tell.

Last week, after 6 months, I went back to Munich for the weekend. Only thing I can say is that I miss it even more than I did before. Getting there proved to be rather tough though - left Valenciennes at 5pm and thought I'd make the 850km in about 8 hours... 8 hours, 550km and 5 traffic jams later I came to the conclusion that, even with a proper commercial background, not all calculations can be correct. With my eyes closing way too frequent and a rough week in my bones I decided to pull over to the next parking lot and get some sleep. 5 hours on the backseat of a VW Golf with 13° outside might not sound too pleasant, but believe me, I never slept as sound before!
The following days I spend in Bamberg at our yearly commercial site manager convention. The alcohol consumption of some colleagues lead me to the conclusion that the company sponsors a 2nd liver once you worked 15 years continuously for them ...only 14 years to go then. However, despite the constant lack of sleep, the realisation that alcohol on a daily basis is not my bag and that men, after drinking stupendous amounts and sleeping 2 hours look the same in the morning while women somehow...disintegrate, I had loads of fun!
To make the week perfect I spend the weekend in Nürnberg. Even though I was tired and exhausted from the week, it was great spending time with friends, playing poker till 6am and celebrating Chris' 30th b-day with a big BBQ.

All in all a nice (yet toxic - liver wise) week. Thanks to Ela Chris and Tof for your hospitality. I'll try to live up to it when you visit.


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