Ode to Icecreamspelled with a capital I intentionally, since I established a very close relationship to it ;-)Today it's time to make a post that's been overdue for quite a while. Time to write about Icecream! But not any Icecream, no: THE ICECREAM!!!
When I went into a local supermarket, I was thrilled to see that, right next to the entrance, they had a freezer packed with pints of my favorite Icecream brand in the whole wide world: Ben and Jerry's. The first time I saw it there, I resisted the temptation, as I didn't have a freezer back in the hotel which would have "forced" me to eat it all in one sitting (not THAT excessive ...when it comes to Icecream). But last Saturday, when I moved into the apartment hotel, I finally had a klitchen.. with a fridge... with a freezer compartment! Therefore I didn't waste any time and got myself a pint of frozen happiness. Even though I hasitated in the choice of the victim, I decided to give a new flavor a chance, and lord almighty was I rewarded. I proudly intoduce to you my new favorite flavor: Fossil Fuel!

The online describtion sais:
"Sweet Cream Ice Cream with Chocolate Cookie Pieces, Fudge Dinosaurs and a Fudge Swirl
You know this flavor is going to thrill the socks off your inner paleontologist, don't you? If you never believed those great excavations in your dreams could come true, just wait until you come across your first fudgy pterodactyl or tyrannosaurus fudgius. This flavor's fueled with all kinds of fudgy little dino dudes, as well as plenty of crunchy chocolate cookie fragments to snag your spoon on, & deep swirls of primordial fudge that just might yield a sunken stegosaur or two. Enjoy!"
In my humble opinion you can summarize that by saying: it will at least take 1 hour to whipe that grin off your face. If you like Icecream and are willing to give it a chance, I ensure you won't be disappointed!
That's it for today ...feel magically drawn to the freezer 'cause I think I still have a bit left ;-)