Sunday, October 08, 2006

Professional amateur at work!

Being the internet addict I am, I wanted to make sure that my laptop doesn't catch anything, so I installed spybot several weeks ago. Yesterday I stumbled across an article that recommended to run a program called "escan" as this is connected to a database always containing the latest mal- and adware. This is when it all went down!
I installed the program and let it scan my system. Everything went well and when I was asked to restart my laptop,I did... but during the startup it turned out that escan and spybot aren't the greatest friends, so I ended up with A BLANK SCREEN! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
When I tried to reboot the system, the startup procedure didn't even make it through the startup anymore. Do I really have to describe the horror I experienced? Visions of me calling the IT in Erlangen, kissing my personal IT-guy's ass to help me fix it without making a big fuss, sending in my lap top (including my films and music that are surely not supposed to be there) and the whole bullshit that follows when amateurs think they could fool around with the system.
To make a long story short: thanks to a combination of patience, intuition and luck I managed to fix it myself ...only took me 4 HOURS! :-(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Katrin,

ist mir auch schon passiert. Ich habe Antivir parallel zu Norton installiert und mein PC war nicht mehr ansprechbar! Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, haben wir daraufhin telefoniert und du hast mir spybot empfohlen;-)
Jedenfalls hat jeder einzelne Vorgang wie Fenster öffnen, Systemsteuerung starten ca. eine Stunde gedauert, und nach einem Tag hatte ich Antivir endlich deinstalliert...
lg yvonne

10:02 AM  
Blogger odd-one-out said...

Jetzt wo Du's sagst, fällt mir dieses Gespräc auch wieder ein ...peinlich. Ist ja grade nochmal gut gegangen ;-)


10:20 AM  

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