¡Viva España!
I arrived save and sound in Sagunto, which is about 15min by car from Valencia. Can't say anything about how work is going to be, since the local construction site manager will only be back tomorrow, but the first impression is that everybody is rather relaxed and I can wear jeans and t-shirt - love that!
What I can do is to give you an impression of where I'm staying.
Soooo, this is my hotel:
It's very close to the beach, too :-)

And this is my room... I think it's the first time that the catalogue-picture looks exactly like the room itself.
What else... maybe it's worth mentioning that it has still 28°C and that I got a company car (ok, it's a white Seat Ibiza, but it's new and since I'm in Spain, driving a Seat is ok(ish) ). Friday we have a "keep up the good work"-party from the construction site and I've already been invited to join a fireworks competition and a local feast. All in all I think I can stand the thought of spending 5 weeks here, easily ;-)
I arrived save and sound in Sagunto, which is about 15min by car from Valencia. Can't say anything about how work is going to be, since the local construction site manager will only be back tomorrow, but the first impression is that everybody is rather relaxed and I can wear jeans and t-shirt - love that!
What I can do is to give you an impression of where I'm staying.
Soooo, this is my hotel:

And this is my room... I think it's the first time that the catalogue-picture looks exactly like the room itself.

Hi Katrin!
Dieser Eintrag kann ja wohl nicht unkommentiert bleiben:
Schäm dich solche Fotos zu schicken, das kann ja keiner ertragen!
Mfg yvonne
P.S. Den Sonnenbrand hast du somit verdient!
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