Friday, August 25, 2006

Weeeekend... here :-) It'll be my last official Munich weekend. Can't wait!
You won't believe it, but since Tuesday my travel plan's haven't changed at all. Still going to France, still going to Sagunto. "Coincidentally" I have a short stay in Munich between those 2 trips (arriving on Saturday and leaving for Spain on Monday), so I can go to Oktoberfest. WOHOOOO!!!! Currently I'm struggling to get my luggage logistics settled. Have to get the rest of my stuff to Gelsenkirchen for storage, but have to leave a bag in Munich with my stuff for Spain and some stuff for Qatar, and another bag in Erlangen containing office and winter clothes (should be cold when I get back).

Update: Boss said I might go to Thailand instead of Qatar. WHEEEEEE! Keeping my fingers firmly crossed :-)))
See many of you soon!


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