Friday, August 11, 2006

Who needs sleep anyway...

The last days were a bit exhausting: packing, transporting all my stuff to Gelsenkirchen, taking care of family matters, meeting friends... loads to do and little sleep.
A "first time" was yours truly taking the train down to Munich. I almost managed to miss the first connection to catch the first of my trains. Obviously train riding has many advantages to driving yourself, such as watching DVD, sleeping and watching funny people. However, taking the train only confirmed what I had known in the first place: I'm a driver, not a passenger! Sitting around and just waiting to get somewhere is simply not my cup of tea. Ah well, I gave it a try.

After arriving at home I unpacked my stuff and headed towards Heimertingen to do what I neglected far too long: I made the first step to get my financials in order by Torsten who checked all my contracts, questioned me about professional and private objectives and thereby started to customize a concept that suits me fine. As usual my visit was accompanied by great cooking of Tanja and pleasant chats about our lives.

Today I took the time to recover from the last days and will conclude the evening with one or two hours at the Kölsch place around the corner. Apparently I'll need the energy, as I've been instructed to be ready tomorrow at 2 pm, with a packed back, for pick-up by Thomas and Marion who will take me... I have no idea where! The whole gang managed to keep it secret, apart from occasional teases that lead in no direction whatsoever! Being the incurious, patient an... oh, who am I kidding!?! I'm DYING to find out what's happening tomorrow!!!!!
Make sure to check back what they did with/to me.


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