Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I'm getting old...

...I have no other explanation for realizing that technology is passing me by!
And... you have no idea what I'm talking about, right? So let me explain: I'm beyond bored with the layout of my blog. So I thought I should change it. I surfed the net for nice templates but quickly had to face the fact that, following the true nature and purpose of templates, they totally lack uniqueness!
I have a clear vision how I'd like everything to look, I can photoshop the frames and thereby create the images I need, but WHY THE F***ING HELL am I not able to create a page??? Every bloody geek can do that, so why can't I???
Well, I know how tho use a WYSIWYG-editor like frontpage, but since I don't know the requirements for a blog layout, how to index and stuff, that bit of knowledge doesn't help, does it. So what to do now? I'm helpless, clueless and it bugs me that I seem unable to get that apparently simple task done.

I might find a way or I might get bored and find another pointless task to distract myself. Because this is what it's all about! Distracting myself from starting to work on my to-do list of things I have to get done before I leave this place... personal claim management, taxes, packing, etc. All important, all pressing, all... utterly boring. So I simply follow my oh-so-beloved compensation pattern of doing pointless stuff to kill time until the last minute, when I can't get around it anymore. I always do that, despite knowing it's wrong and that I'll hate myself for not getting 'round earlier, but in the end it always works out, so why change? ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I guess, I can help you, Katrin! No, unfortunately I am not talking about this blog-layout-stuff. But I can at least support your attempts to distract yourself by doing useless things: My appartment needs some tidying up, for example... Or how about buying some new plants for my balcony? For you these activities are definitely useless, aren't they? But for me... ;-)
CU latest on Monday, sonja

5:04 PM  
Blogger odd-one-out said...

Well... I'm lazy and have a black thumb. Not exactly the perfect combination to meet your requirements. But saturday night we want to go out to Volksgarten. Maybe you like to join :-) http://www.volksgarten.de

9:11 PM  

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