Sunday, July 30, 2006

Leave old baggage behind

Yet another weekend passed. Friday I took the time to visit some friends outside of Munich to catch up, have BBQ and self-made booze in their garden. Talked deep into the night, just the way I like it. Saturday I got punished for forgetting that it was holiday start in Bavaria and that holidays ended in some northern regions. The 70km drive took 2 hours. AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!
However, Saturday was spent with a shopping marathon, Sushi at Sushi&Soul in the evening followed by barhopping. Veeeeery nice.
Today I've been a good girl and started working off the list Ela and I made during breakfast. I booked train tickets for my drive back from Gelsenkirchen (YES, ME TAKING THE TRAIN! ...but only this one time!!!). Additionally I started packing - already managed to reduce 6 boxes to 3 by throwing loads of stuff away. Having carried most of it around several times during the last few years, makes me wonder why I didn't do that before.
Tomorrow is my last day in hell. Therefore, to keep the Christian pattern, I'll gather 17 of my disciples and conclude the day by watching Life of Brian open air dedicating myself to spirits ;-)


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