Sunday, May 21, 2006

No, No, Never....

just returned from what was supposed to be a glorious night in German "Eurovision Song Contest" history. We had a nice and catchy song, a sympathic band and signs pointed to a top 5 result. Well, to make a long story short, we finished 15th. 15th!!! WTF? How could that happen? I am totally disappointed. Finland made 1st place; ok, they looked like a fuse between Klingons and Orks, but the song was ok(ish), therefore congrats to Lordi.
I'm not saying that we should have made 1st place (ok, we should) but at least 2nd. Check back later to read my indefeasable reasoning on why the few points we gathered are ridiculous and, if the voting countries had voted as they were supposed to, we would have achieved a top 5 ranking.

Till then sleep well (unless your county is one of those that gave us less than 8 points, that is ...which is every country that made a vote in that contest)


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