Monday, January 01, 2007

Don't look back in anger

Happy New Year everybody!
I'll skip the detailed review of 2006, let me just say that - apart from finding a great job and seeing how great the friends I have actually are - 2006 sucked! So instead of looking back I decided to check the box behind the passed year and move on. Regarding new year resolutions: don't have any! Only hoping for a year with loads of fun while continuing my quest for happiness!
2007 started off nicely with a fun party at Andre's and Isi's place who proved themselves as the great hosts they are yet again. Tonight will be filled with packing my suitcase once more and tomorrow I'll be off to Erlangen - fingers crossed for Sixt giving me a BMW once more ;-) If the Indian embassy worked fast enough I'll be flying to India on the 3rd, if I don't have my visa it's the 4th. Looking forward to sun and warmth, leaving cold and rainy Germany behind.
Will post as soon as I have network access there.


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