Friday, January 05, 2007

Hello from nowhere!

After my short post from yesterday I took a shower and went down to the lobby waiting for my pickup... which didn't show up - and the driver was also supposed to bring my train tickets! The Shatadbi Express I was supposed to take to Surat seems to be quite popular, so there were no tickets available, so I decided to take a driver to take me to Sugen directly by car. The driver was available for 10am, so I went back to my room and got myself a few hours of sleep.
The trip to Surat was... interesting. I thought Shanghai traffic was crazy, but replace the tiny cabs of with big, colorful trucks, add some tuktuks and imagine everybody honking ALL THE TIME on unmarked 7 lane roads, and you get an idea. Also people crossing the highway just like that is totally normal. However, after 6hrs, 5 almost collisions and 1 close call I made it to the camp. It REALLY is in the middle of nowhere. Next bigger city is 90 minutes from here, apart from that the site is surrounded by fields and some huts, that's it. The camp is nice and I'm sure 4 weeks won't be a big deal to see through, but I also know that I couldn't do that for longer. I'll take some pics during the next days to show you the area.

Bottle indicator: Still full, but was at the camp bar with the boys yesterday, so that doesn't mean anything ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hihi... hätt mich auch gewundert wenn das mit dem Shuttle glatt geht ;-)
Das wär' ja nix für mich...


12:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Standen keine Kühe auf den Straßen???


12:11 PM  
Blogger odd-one-out said...

Klar standend da Kühe! Der Fahrer ist denen dann unter Einsatz unserer beider Leben ausgewichen... hätte eh nicht guten gewissens weiterleben können, wenn wir 'ne Kuh über den Haufen gefahren hätten!

12:37 PM  

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